Saturday, July 25, 2009

wat the hell is going on

Last friday, I was having PE lesson

and we were having floorball game.

And then, wat the hell was going on?

The primary school table tennis team came over to use the hall, most irritatingly, they use it and disturb us. Half the TK low hall was split for them, and they disturb us constantly.

We could not enjoy the rest of the PE lesson.

This is all the school's fault. How can they let the primary school into our territiory in the first place?

This is irritating, then some people from primary school purposely want to push the table tennis table and push it to purposely bang into me, I glared at them then they backed off.

This is irritating, why elt the primary school people come and disturb us in the first place? We not important is it?

And most of all, we are secondary 4s who are going to graduate and we are treated like this!

School give us inconvenience, when only parents come in write complaint, then the school will act.

Good example would be the bookshop, it was complained by the primary school parents saying that it is too far. Ok, so too far, and it moved into the grandstand.

Now, when we complain things, does things getr done?


I wish to conclude today's post

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